Thursday, August 14, 2014

Christians & suicide, condemnation or compassion? Depression is real, RIP Mr. Williams.

This has tugged at my heart for days, so I had to take the time to put it all down. I have never shared some of this before, but I felt it was time. For all those I love who have ever thought about suicide, for any who still struggle, you are not alone and you are loved. We all have mountains along our journey, please don't let the mountain of depression crush you or keep you down, let someone help you reach the top to defeat that mountain so you can continue the journey God created you to conquer!
All you grammar gurus pay no attention to my overuse of commas and extreme run on sentences. If I edit any more I will never find the time to post this, so please go easy on me, be merciful! =)

I believe everyone has their favorite memory, role or movie Robin Williams starred in. Well, my lifestyle is about to become blatantly obvious to anyone who does not already know me well. The day I heard of his passing, the role that entered my head first was the Genie in Aladdin. Oh how I enjoy all his character voices in this movie I have seen too many times to count.  Then, I think of Mrs. Doubtfire , The Night at the Museum, and although I am not fond of the movie as a whole, Old Dogs. The only serious role I ever watched him in was Patch Adams, that movie shook me up, though I know the story is inspiring and true. I prefer humor to drama, drama is in such abundant supply in life and always all over the news; just let me laugh, please! Unfortunately my most vivid memory of that movie is when the girl he is interested in is murdered. I know, I know, let it go, but please, please do so without singing THAT song!!

I grew up watching him on Mork and Mindy. Well, only when I was allowed to stay up to watch, that is. Okay and sometimes I hid quietly at the bottom of the stairs and tried to watch, did the same with One Day at A Time, I use to look up to Valerie Bertinelli and Pam Dawber. My dad really liked Jonathon Winters so Mr. Williams’ was very welcomed humor in our house. I was never a devoted fan of Mr. Williams, though I enjoyed his movies whenever I watched them. Except Patch Adams, it’s just not my thing.(letting it go) I am sorry to say I knew, know very little of his recent life and did not even know he currently had a TV show, really? I had no idea he felt he was slipping out of sobriety, I had no idea depression was plaguing him. Where have I been? Oh yeah, time is a very precious commodity, TV is very limited in our household. Also, I rarely keep up with Hollywood current affairs, I prefer not to know what is going on. Ignorance is bliss, right? No, I have guilt for not knowing. Why? I should have been praying for this man. Why? Because that is what Christians do, we pray for others, no matter who you are?

Suicide…. An act I truly struggle to understand, to grasp. Yes, initially in my flawed human mind, I think, WHY? How selfish an act this can be, why on earth would you do such a thing? But wait, before you become angry with me and get ready to lynch me, I said this takes place in my flawed human mind that desperately lacks understanding. In my heart, where my compassion resides, I ache to find the answer to why, the answer to how. How do we stop this. Possible answers, solutions, questions, scenarios run through my mind when these type of things happen. I lose sleep over it. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a (distant) family member, a friend, a friend of a friend, a celebrity or a total stranger who lives states away who planned her suicide to the very last detail, the act of suicide gets me at my very core.  

I also have those initial thoughts everyone has, you know the ones, “Don’t they know how loved they are? Don’t they know how much pain they’re causing those they leave behind? Don’t they…..?” As I was trying to consider these things, as I searched for an answer I decided I also needed to read articles, blogs or posts by some who has suffered from this mental disease, we often scoff at, the one known as depression. (Depressed, a word seriously misused and thrown around often without genuine care or complete understanding. Sorry, I digress. Yes, it needed to be said, moving on now…) I wanted to see if I could get more insight from someone else who has experienced or suffers from this condition. As I read, as I pondered, as I prayed for some itsy tiny bit of understanding, something I had never considered crossed my mind; then it pierced my heart, still does. Is asking a person who feels they’re surrounded by darkness, plagued with hopelessness, to see the love around them really fair? Is it realistic? Probably as fair and realistic as asking a blind person to see the person standing directly in front of them. Consider that for a moment… They know it’s there, but they can’t see it, they can’t experience it no matter how hard they try, no matter how much we tell them. This is what darkness does, it’s blinding, it’s deceiving it’s inescapable, at least it is when we try to escape on our own.  Darkness of the mind is like being blind.

Another question so many always ask, “How can a person with everything be depressed?” Well, ask yourself is money really EVERYTHING? Can it buy everything? Can it??  If so, why are so many in Hollywood addicted to drugs and ending up the same way as Mr. Williams. So many born into money or  inheriting a fortune end up much the same. Many lottery winners end up unhappy and broke. WARNING: my mind is about to wander off the path... How on earth can anyone win $40 million then blow it all and be broke? You have got to be kidding! ... Sorry, getting my thoughts back on track… Whether it is an overdose or suicide, it’s self-inflicted and very much the result of not being able to cope with life as it is, you know the life, the one ‘with everything! Money doesn’t buy true love, and it cannot make someone feel genuinely loved. Money cannot make you feel accepted. In fact, I would imagine it makes one question who is truly their friend, who truly loves them.  Mr. Williams appears to be a funny, light hearted, outgoing, happy guy. But isn’t laughter often a disguise for pain? Haven’t many of the greats used laughter to mask how they were really feeling, an escape from reality, from the prison that exists in their mind. Robin was also a very charitable guy, so supportive of our troops. He gave to them and went out of his way to thank them for their service. He paid off Christopher Reeves medical bills after Mr. Reeves  was out of money. He encouraged Christopher to go on, he had reasons to live, he made him laugh during the darkest part of his life. Why wasn’t he able to do this for himself? Robin often played serious roles of people with great accomplishments or who have contributed to the world in a truly life changing way. Many deep thinkers, even real life heroes. From all of these facts I have to conclude he was likely very sensitive and caring. Another trait that probably isn’t popular in the arena he worked in. Those types of things are often welcome on screen, they make for a great performance, but they get in the way on the money paved road to a fabricated idea of a successful life. And aren’t boys supposed to be tough, no crying, suck it up. Maybe entertaining was a void filler for him. Maybe he longed to be more, a real hero, maybe he felt inadequate in his own skin. Oh just move on, keep working, bury the feelings and entertain your fans. Oh whatever, right? Come on, how many people in this world would give all they have to live that life? How many put those people up on a pedestal, then the only support they’re ever shown is box office sales and ratings? Do we pray for those who entertain us, or is our admiration conditional and we just expect them to entertain us. I can’t imagine the pressure he felt, any of them feel. Most child stars have it worse, they become addicted to our admiration and worship of them so that when it’s lost, so are they. They often cope by taking drugs or they entertain using the shock factor, ugh! Poor Miley…

I think those with any moral compass are going to struggle more in the bigger than life, everything is perfect fairy tale land of Hollywood. Maybe he struggled with wanting to make a real difference, be a real hero in the world. Maybe he needed our prayers, I would venture to guess many of them do. It seems that often those with any biblical upbringing struggle the most… Miley, Justin Bieber… Michael Jackson. ‘Tortured souls’ is often how we refer to them. They have demons that haunt them. Maybe this are quite literally the case. Is it possibly in any way our fault for exalting ordinary humans just because they have a gift of entertaining, something we often take for granted while forgetting they’re human, JUST like us? Should we be exalting any humans at all? Ummm, what are those first and second commandments again? They are after all only human beings who have the same basic human needs we have. And mountains of money have failed to ever prove to be a sufficient substitute for love, acceptance or genuine human relationships. Root of all evil, something to that, maybe?

I have personally never experienced suicidal thoughts, but I have experienced a type of depression. I experienced it for years without knowing why or how to change it. Mine was brought on by untreated health problems that manifested into mental and emotional issues, not to mention thoughts I won’t go into. People usually dismiss depression as “all in your head” just as they dismiss thyroid issues as being an excuse for being fat. Oh, it must be so nice to walk through that rose garden of a  life where problems such as medical and mental issues don’t exist, but I wouldn’t know. At my worst it was about a year long struggle to get out of bed, to get dressed every day, to even eat and perform my duties as a mom. I told Jerry I couldn’t care less as to whether or not I woke up the next day. I only went on because I loved my five kids with all my heart, but I still could hardly force myself to be the mom I imagined in my head. The mom I desired and longed to be. Yes, the desire was there, but I just couldn’t make myself do what I know needed to be done. Yes, that’s right, I could not go beyond my “depression” on my own to take care of my five precious blessings who I loved more than my own life. If it wasn’t for an understanding husband & mom who dealt with my hopeless, dark limitations, lack of energy and motivation, a friend (Ms. Monday) who came over almost every day to help feed, clean up after and school my kids while I sat in a recliner in my pajamas dozing off periodically feeling lifeless. If it wasn’t for three amazing older kids who filled the gap for mom by being a mom to the younger two kids, I don’t know how we would have made it.(Obviously this was before #6 came along, # 4 questioned my ability to keep track of my number of kids after she read this.) I was surrounded by people who love me and supported me, but it made precious little, if any difference to my state of mind. I had the worst feelings of inadequacy and loneliness even though I was rarely alone.  This was it for me in my mind, and I didn’t have the energy or strength to try to change it. I was told I was loved, I was told I had value, I was told I had gifts and talents to contribute to the world, I was told I have purpose, I was told I was beautiful but none of it, not one word of it mattered.  I was doomed to be stuck in the dark hopeless prison my mind had created.

By the grace of God I am no longer there. A wonderful doctor took the time to figure out and treat me, naturally even. My problem didn’t even stem from mental issues, mine was an extremely underperforming messed up thyroid. At the time some of my levels were reversed and I barely had a trace of a particular hormone in my body. FYI, many years ago thyroid patients were put in mental institutions because some of their physical symptoms, there were symptoms that mirrored mental issues when untreated for too long. Paranoia, depression, anxiety. Don’t dismiss people when they cry for help, we don’t always know the cause or origin, they need our help and prayers. I don’t know where I would be today if I didn’t have a husband who pushed me to go on and wanted me back to myself.  It feels like another lifetime, though I still have lingering sometimes vivid memories of those dark hollow, wasted days. Vivid enough that it makes my stomach ache, but distant enough from my current state it often feels like a bad movie I watched. However, eight years later I still can’t wear pajamas beyond the morning time due to the fact that I equate it to those days when living was a chore and the feelings of hopelessness and despair were all I felt I had.

Why do I share this, finally for the first time in my life? Because saying ‘get over it’ is unfair. Dismissing it is dangerous. I saw on the news and I’ve read about the mom who took her life a few of weeks ago, she took a fatal dose of sleeping pills, it was planned. It was obvious she went to great lengths to make sure she did not survive. However, her father insisted in an interview while they were looking for her, she was missing for about two weeks, he insisted her life was perfect she had no problems, she had an ideal life, sigh! Maybe this was it, she was struggling and those who are supposed to love her most are telling her that her life is perfect. What does this do to a person’s mind that is already in darkness. They probably really begin to feel hopeless, it is them. Can you imagine her thoughts if this is how they dismissed her feelings. “It’s me, it has to be and I can’t be fixed. It’s my fault I don’t enjoy life, my loved ones say I have a perfect life, I’m broken, I’m doomed.”  Oh, that poor woman, those poor children. We really need to find our compassion and humility, put away the condemnation and try to find a solution. And pride, oh that nasty pride that comes before the fall…  

Do I know where people who commit suicide go? No, that is between God and the individual. We are all judged according to our own heart & relationship with Christ. And that judgment is God’s place, not yours, not mine and not the MSM. We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Check it out in Romans, it’s there, we all need forgiveness and have forgiveness to give. And last time I checked, knowingly and willingly speaking evil (blasphemy) against the Holy Spirit is the only unforgiveable sin, you will find this in info in Matthew 12:31. We all desire to make it to heaven but then say about others, “He deserves to burn in hell…" yes, I have read posts from Christians who have said this in the last 48 hours. I even read posts of this nature pertaining to the mom who took her life a few of weeks ago. Selfish woman, she deserves to suffer! What? Wasn’t she suffering already? (Dear God are we so caught up in technicalities, procedure, doctrine that we have lost or compassion for others?)

YIKES!!!  I don’t know about you, but I do not want what I deserve, thank you Jesus for taking it all. So, as I struggle to find an answer for my kids when they ask about those who commit suicide, I ask God for guidance. I struggle because we have family members who have taken this path to escape their pain, pain I know nothing about.  I believe this is the scenario God has given me to consider.

One morning you get up late no time to pray and run out the door knowing you will be late to work. It’s okay, you will say your prayers before bed as you often do. Your boss has threatened to fire you if you’re late to work again. Out of desperation you come up with a legitimate yet fabricated reason for being late that will appease your boss, then you will be able to keep your job, a job you need badly. Your boss accepts your “made up” excuse and all is well, isn’t it? Later you  have to run out for lunch since you got up late that day. You’re killed instantly in a car accident, you never saw it coming. One of your last acts on this earth was telling a lie, a premeditated lie, a sin, do you go to hell because you never had a chance to ask for forgiveness over that one sin? I personally believe the blood of Jesus is way more powerful than that, and my relationship and professing Him as my savior matters most when I stand judgment, but that’s just me.

God knows our hearts, only He knows if we or anyone has truly accepted Him. We all should just let Him do the judging. God is merciful to us, more than we will ever be able to fathom. Jesus’ life should be evidence enough of this, but often it isn’t. Ask yourself, if God is this merciful to you, why wouldn’t you want Him to show that same mercy to others who have hurt, who may have made a bad decision born out of indescribable pain and suffering, who are as much His children as you and I are. Though I know hell is real, and some will spend their eternity there, why would I ever want anyone God created, anyone He loves, to burn in hell? Why when it is not His desire that any shall perish? Why would any Christian take the time to write such condemning hate filled words instead of whispering a prayer of hope and life for that person whose shoes you have never walked. I know I don’t know where Mr. Williams is now, or the mother who took her life, or even my family members who took their lives all those years ago. But I do hope and pray they accepted Jesus before their final act on earth. I hope they found peace with God and I truly with all my heart hope their suffering is over and they have found the light they struggled so long to find.

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