Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Poison and Divisiveness AKA Partisanship and Obama

While any of you are pointing a finger  in an attempt  to bring attention to what you believe is a speck in another's eye, you're blinded by the plank in your own.  The blind leading the blind is beyond dangerous. 
Also, I would like to know how someone posts a picture dissing “one” party,  then in the next post, claims that the “one” party's sole purpose is... (wait for it) to bash  “their” party.
Wow!!! What??? The hypocrisy in this is so disturbing…
This is absurd, not to mention poisonous to this country. You might as well go set fire to another  forest, blow up or drive another plane into a building because you are further serving to divide this country; more so than the terrorists who hate us.
This isn't about party, this is about country. I don't care for all republicans, I don't care for all democrats.  In fact, I am pretty disgusted with most of them.  (About as disgusted as I am with the Christians who feed the fire instead of working to get it under control.) Politicians need to requisitioned and redistributed.  I say the DOJ officials go man the borders, why not? And we’ll even generously provide each with a bean bag gun….. *sigh*
“It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession.  I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”    ~Ronald Reagan~
No, I am not a fan of Obama. It's no secret, I’ve never hidden it well, as if I ever tried!  However, you should know,  it has NOTHING to do with his skin color or his party affiliation. In fact I am sad, I am very sad that Obama was the first black man to be POTUS.  Why?  Because it was nice to think, to believe  as a country we had finally gotten past this "racial" junk that plagued us for so long, too long (ever is too long). Happy to think we had  finally moved beyond the days of any and all segregation, of thinking that skin color had ever determined someone's worth, ability or value. I want to know we're all finally bigger, smarter, over  this.
My dislike, my disappointment is solitarily about this man as a human being, as a leader. We can & we have to do better...  Do better than empty promises, do better than disgracing the office, do better than perverting the constitution and abusing power. I honestly don’t think we can do much worse, he is not an honorable man, and he hasn’t a clue as to how to lead, much less successfully.  It isn’t about his skin color, it’s about his character,  the lack thereof.
“Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond it’s limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.”  ~Ronald Reagan~
And let’s not forget  the racial argument, ugh! It’s a tired empty accusation that has been so misused, those that throw it around only accomplish looking as sorry as the lame, unintelligible demagogues who came up with it out of desperation for a distraction from the real issues.

“If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago, and a racist today.”  ~Thomas Sowell~
Don't be a sheep that follows the flock off the cliff, think & research the facts for yourself.
 “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.”  ~Abraham Lincoln~      
Check out this link, and remember, united we stand, divided....

And for the sake of this country stop throwing lit matches where the moronic self-serving politicians have poured gasoline.

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”  ~Abraham Lincoln~

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